Exchange Database

May 27, 1979
A Chinese delegation led by Huang Ganying, vice-chairman of the Chinese National Women's Federation, toured Washington and New York. Members of the delegation met American women from a wide range of professions and circles both from rural and urban areas. Patricia Roberts Harris, U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Mrs. Blumenthal, wife of W. Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of Treasury, had lunch with the Chinese delegation. In addition, the delegation was met by the current Chinese ambassador to the U.S. and the Chinese representative to the United Nations.
April 18, 1979
The first mainland Chinese ship to dock in an American port, the Liu Lin Nai, arrived in Seattle. The ship was welcomed by Seattle Port Commissioner Henry Kotkins, Washington's two Decmocratic U.S. senators, Warren Magnuson and Henry Jackson, Transportation Secretary Brock Adams and Washington Gov. Dixie Lee Ray, together with a number of chinese foreign ministry officials. This docking came a month after the S.S. Letitia Lykes sailed into Shanghai as the first American ship in 30 years to enter a Chinese port.
November 22, 2013
Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong addresses the luncheon held at the Carnegie Hall in New York, the United States, Nov. 22, 2013. The just-concluded Fourth China-U. S. High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange was "very successful," with as many as 75 specific outcomes achieved, visiting Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong said. The Exchange was intended to increase bilateral cooperation and understanding.
April 13, 2013
Part of China's campaign to promote Chinese language and culture abroad, 4 new Confucius Institutes opened in Washington, D.C., New York, Georgia, and Colorado. The partnering institutions were George Washington University in D.C., Columbia University in NY, Wesleyan College in GA, and Colorado State University.
January 5, 1978
A high-ranking delegation of petroleum experts from the People's Republic of China visited the United States, sponsored by the Department of Energy, the first such tour ever officially sponsored by a U.S. government agency. The group of 16 oil and gas experts spent three weeks meeting with top U.S. energy officials and touring production, exploration and development facilities in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and California.
January 23, 2014
A group of 45 Chinese students from Tianjin No.  1 High School will spend two weeks visiting Pioneer High School to learn about American life and education.
January 27, 2014
To celebrate the Chinese New Year, a delegation from Tsinghua University presented a feast of artistic performance in the evening of January 27th, 2014. The Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is on January 31, 2014. On this festival occasion of special importance, Tsinghua University (THU) organized a delegation mainly formed by the Tsinghua University Student Art Group (THUSAG) to visit the west coast of the United States.
June 29, 2007
The National Committee on U.S.-China Relations implemented an exchange project that provides a forum for representatives of municipal governments to share experience in using e-government to communicate with citizens and coordinate delivery of services. The project took place in three stages: In the first stage, completed in July 2007, a delegation of four American specialists participated in workshops in Beijing, Hangzhou and Taichung with their professional counterparts.
March 8, 2008
With funding from the U.S. State Department, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations implemented an exchange project that provides a forum for representatives of municipal governments to share experience in using e-government to communicate with citizens and coordinate delivery of services.
January 18, 2014
The National Committee’s Track II dialogue on U.S.-China Strategic Security Dialogue (at times called the Northeast Asia Strategic Security Dialogue) began in 1999 and stemmed from an earlier National Committee mil/mil program (see Military-Military Programs) and the joint Stanford-Harvard Preventive Defense Project (PDP), a research collaboration of Stanford University and Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government set up by former Secretary of Defense William Perry and Assistant Secretary Ash Carter.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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