Exchange Database

May 13, 2014
China’s military chief tours American warships in a four-day US visit that comes amid heightened tensions between Beijing and its Southeast Asian neighbors over territorial disputes. The United States, anxious about Beijing’s growing military might in the strategic area, has suggested China engaged in intimidation of its neighbors and America has bolstered its defense ties in the region.
May 1, 2011
The Asia Program of the Henry Luce Foundation has awarded the American Folklore Society a three-year grant to continue its work to build relationships between folklorists and folklore studies institutions in China and the US.
May 14, 2014
The Flying Tigers were an American air squadron that fought with Chinese forces against Japan during World War II. James Whitehead, chair of the Flying Tiger Historical Organization, led the group. They met with Vice Premier Liu Yandong. A documentary about one of the pilots, Glen Beneda, who joined the unit at 18, will air on Chinese television. Beneda was shot down and rescued by Chinese farmers in 1944.
June 10, 2014
The Actors' Gang, a critically acclaimed Los Angeles-based ensemble, brings William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, directed by Academy Award winner Tim Robbins, for six performances in Beijing at the National Centre for the Performing Arts and four performances in Shanghai at the Daguan Theatre, Zendai Himalayas Art Center. The Actors' Gang is one of the only true theatrical ensembles in the United States that tours internationally. With few U.S. companies touring internationally, the company considers it an honor to bring Shakespeare to China.
May 30, 2015
This special event brings together delegations of Chinese and U.S. university students for two days of interaction, discussions with leading officials, and activities to explore all our respective countries have to offer!
June 1, 2001
The entire Weishan Valley is at a crossroads as the scenic, natural and historic features of the agricultural valley and the City of Weishan have come under significant pressure from growth. This growth has compromised the historic city’s sense of place, replacing traditional architecture, agricultural landscapes and craft industries with sprawling modern development that could be anywhere in the world.
January 1, 1980
The Chinese production of Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman,” directed by the playwright, opened on May 7, 1983, at the Beijing People’s Art Theater, and played continuously to packed houses through the fall. The production, co-sponsored by the Center and the Chinese Theater Association, was hailed in the Chinese press as “the most significant cultural event in China since the Cultural Revolution.”
January 1, 1982
The Center’s arts education exchange with China—which took place in the 1980s—was an unprecedented program aimed to enhance knowledge of the differing approaches to the teaching of the arts in the United States and China. Through this program, the U.S. and China exchanged a series of high-level delegations and teams of arts education specialists who spent periods ranging from three weeks to three months observing arts education at selected schools and art centers in the two countries.
March 25, 2014
First Lady Michelle Obama visits the No.7 School in Chengdu, an extraordinary high school that uses the power of technology to bring educational opportunities to students across southwest China. Here she spoke to many students about varying topics, including her story of growing up in America and the values of Americans ultimately emphasizing "the American Dream." Michelle Obama also had the opportunity to attend a Tai Chi class.
June 1, 2002
Although designated a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in October 2000, and a National Nature Reserve by the State Council of China, the spectacular environment of the Gaoligong range continues to suffer intense pressure. In June and July, 2002 a team led by the Field Museum in Chicago conducted a Rapid Biological Inventory and social asset mapping of three regions and eight hamlets around the perimeter of the Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve. This was a Yunnan Initiative Demonstration Project of the Center for United States-China Arts Exchange.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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