Exchange Database

August 5, 2014
One out of three people in New York City is an immigrant and they generate $215 billion in the local economy every year, but more can be done to help small businesses thrive in the city, government officials said. The Chinese community accounts for the largest number of immigrant small business owners, owning more than 6,500 of the city's small businesses, according to the Fiscal Policy Institute. But they, like other of New York City's ethnic groups, face problems in entrepreneurship that are unique to the immigrant population, said Torres-Springer.
August 4, 2014
What does China's growing global impact mean for US teachers and students? More than 70 educators from US high schools and middle schools got together in San Mateo to try and get a handle on it. The 2014 Teachers Workshop, hosted by the 1990 Institute, took place at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation conference center. Yuan Nansheng, consul general of China in San Francisco, who attended the workshop, told China Daily that people, especially young students, from the two sides should strengthen their appreciation and understanding of one another's countries.
July 31, 2014
New York State wants more Chinese tourists to say — or sing — "I Love New York" as it seeks to tap into the more than $102 billion global Chinese tourism market.The state's tourism agency opened a second office in Beijing to promote the Empire State's features to consumers and the Chinese tourism industry, and it has held "Becoming China Ready" workshops.The workshops last week in the upstate cities of Albany, Utica and Rochester were for private businesses, government agencies and tourism organizations to learn how to promote themselves to the Chinese tourism mar
August 1, 2014
One year ago, 20 students from China came to the United States to pair up with 20 counterparts in Connecticut to learn more about entrepreneurship and the global economy. Next week, the 20 Connecticut students will go to Shanghai to do the same thing. The American students are part of the Junior Achievement international exchange program's first-ever exchange between the US and China. They will reunite with the Chinese students in Shanghai and visit businesses, attend workshops led by academic and business leaders and work together on research.
August 2, 2014
A delegation of senior executives from the ChangzhouWest Taihu Lake Science and Technology Zone visited the San Francisco area to attract young talent back to the mainland. Located at the southern part of Jiangsu province, the science and technology industrial zone provides a range of manufacturing solutions for overseas companies.The Chinese government and economic development zones have launched many programs aimed at attracting back its highly-skilled citizens who study and settle abroad.
July 29, 2014
Chinese Railroad Workers in North America, an online digital archive that commemorates the work of thousands of Chinese immigrants in building the Transcontinental Railroad and seeks "to give a voice" to them, was unveiled at Stanford University earlier this week. The project is the result of Stanford University scholars collaborating with historians, investigators and archaeologists in China and the United States who delved into the biographies, daily habits and social lives of the Chinese railroad workers.
July 29, 2014
BYD Company Ltd, a Chinese manufacturer of electric buses, demonstrated its zero-emissions electric bus with a test ride from Los Angles to its factory in Lancaster, California on Tuesday. On the test ride was Liu Jian, consul general of China's Consulate General office in Los Angeles. He was accompanied by Stella Li, president of BYD. The one and a half hour ride from downtown Los Angeles to Lancaster, a city in northern Los Angeles County, covers about 75 miles.
August 3, 2014
It has been a 15-year pursuit for New York Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, and now she is going to China to try to make it a reality - a giant panda for the Big Apple. "New York has had some tough times with 9/11 and Hurricane Sandy, so it's time to have some good luck," Maloney said in an interview with China Daily. "The panda is a symbol of good luck. We have everything in New York except for a panda.
September 28, 1999
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, the Motion Picture Association will present six culturally significant films during the 1999 Chinese Film Festival. The Chinese Film Festival takes place in Los Angeles and New York. The Festival also includes an Oct. 1 evening reception honoring the 50th anniversary of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles at Twentieth Century Fox and a closing reception at the Asia Society in New York.
July 4, 2007
The boisterous Americans were representatives of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, the second high-level labor delegation from the United States to visit Beijing in the last month. The visit comes at a propitious time for China's state-sanctioned labor organization, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed a far-reaching labor law reform package that gave Chinese workers -- on paper, at least -- rights that in some respects exceeded those guaranteed American workers. The L.A.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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