Exchange Database

January 19, 2011
The U.S. Mission to China launched a team to promote cooperation between American and Chinese sub-national leaders. Secretary Clinton and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi signed a Memorandum of Understanding supporting U.S.-China sub-national cooperation on January 19, 2011. This memorandum supports the establishment of a U.S.-China Governors Forum by the National Governors Association and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).
July 15, 2011
The first US-China governors forum was held in Utah and was attended by more than 20 governors from across the United States and the four provincial Chinese governors.
July 15, 2011
U.S. governors and Chinese provincial governors talked about ways to strengthen the U.S.-China relationship. Among the topics addressed were potential cooperation in bilateral trade and investment, new energy, environmental protection, education and student exchanges. The purpose of this forum is to bring the two countries together at the sub-national level. Also it allows for peer-to-peer discussions between U.S. governors and Chinese provincial leaders about topics of mutual interest and to explore opportunities in promoting practical cooperation between the two sides.
July 15, 2011
The governors will welcome several provincial-level Chinese officials Friday for the first ever U.S.-China Governors Forum scheduled here.
September 20, 2010
More U.S. governors are looking to China for an international solution to local economic problems and unemployment, despite heightened trade and currency tensions between Beijing and Washington. Therefore, US governors Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota were in China hoping to cement business relations.
July 28, 2011
Special Representative Reta Jo Lewis briefed the media about the inaugural event last week of the U.S.-China Governors Forum, which was a historic moment for US governors. The forum strengthened mutual understanding, greater cooperation and opportunities for greater trade and investment on both sides of the Pacific. Launching the U.S.-China Governors Forum required broad cooperation from throughout the Department of State and throughout our U.S. agencies.
June 9, 2014
The new United States ambassador to China, Max Baucus, said on Wednesday that advancing a bilateral investment treaty between the world's two largest economies will be his top priority. The upcoming annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue between China and the US is scheduled to take place in early July, where the two countries will discuss a wide range of bilateral, regional and global political, strategic, security, and economic issues.
June 23, 2014
On the first day of the three-day 2014 EducationUSA Forum at the Washington Hilton, Travis Tanner, senior vice-president and CEO of the 100,000 Strong Foundation, said his organization will launch a partnership states initiative, known as America Strong, later this year so that those states which already have robust relations with China can set examples for other states that want to pursue similar pathways to ensure their residents have similar opportunities to learn more about China. The foundation, set up in January 2013, is an offshoot of the US State Department's 100,000 Strong Ini
June 25, 2014
Daniel R. Russel, assistant secretary of the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs gave a testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee asserting there is still enormous potential for progress in the U.S.-China relationship. Progress that will yield benefits to the citizens of both countries, our neighbors, and the world.
June 25, 2014
Since the economic crisis of 2008, Detroit has been reaching out to investors in China to help create new business in the automotive city. Both the Detroit Chinese Business Association and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, the state's lead advocate for business development, said they have seen an increase in the number of Chinese investors in Detroit, especially in the automotive industry.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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