Exchange Database

May 24, 1971
Premier Chou En Lai met with Americans living in Beijing over a friendly dinner. This included William H. Hinton, wife Joanne Hinton, and daughter Carmelita Hinton who was studying in Peking; Frank and Ruth Coe; Dr. George Hatem; Erwin Engat and wife Joan Hinton and son Fred Engst. Various Chinese government members were also present.
July 9, 1971
For the first time since 1949, a leading U.S. official visited China to engage with diplomatic discussions with the P.R.C. Henry Kissinger visited Peking to negotiate a later visit by President Nixon to China.
July 21, 1971
A delegation from the U.S. Black Workers Congress visited China under invitation by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. Members of the delegation included leader James Fourman, Muhammed Kenyatta, and Helen Jones.
September 22, 1971
American internal and preventative medicine doctor Victor W. Sidel and his wife visited China at the invitation of the Chinese Medical Association.
September 21, 1971
A delegation of the Revolutionary Union of the United States of America visited Peking by invitation. Their delegation also included Pablo Y. Guzman, head of the Young Lords Party of America.
September 29, 1971
Black Panther Party leaders Huey Newton, Elaine Brown, and Robert Bay visited Peking at the invitation of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.
October 6, 1971
Premier Chou En Lai, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee Kuo Mo Jo, head of the International Liaison Department of the Central Committee Keng Piao, and Vice President of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries met with over 70 American citizens for conversation.
October 20, 1971
Premier Chou En Lai hosted talks with National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger and other U.S. officials. Chinese officials present included Yeh Chien-ying, vice chairman of the military commission, Chi Peng-fei, acting foreign minister, and others. The U.S. delegation included brigadier General James D. Hughes, Dwight L. Chapin, Alfred S. Jenkins, John H. Holdridge, Winston Lord, Commander Jonathan T. Howe, Dianne C. Matthews, and Julienne L. Pineau.
November 15, 1971
After being recognized by the United Nations and given a seat on the UN council, the first P.R.C. UN delegation arrived in New York. Their arrival was greeted by many reporters and representatives from the 23 sponsoring countries of the UN. They were also well received by the Americans as they entered the UN headquarters in New York.
October 21, 2010
A delegation of scientists representing the California NanoSystems Institute and UCLA visited colleagues at the Zhejiang California International NanoSystems Institute at Zhejiang University in China.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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