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Virtual China in 3-D promoted

Reuters US hosted "Experience Day" of the Beautiful China campaign in New York's Times Square. This is the first stop on China's global campaign to adopt 3D virtual reality technology to promote tourism overseas. A 20-engineer team from China Intercontinental Communications Center developed the technology, balancing the content between information and entertainment. With a goal to recreate "100 destinations and landmarks across China 3D virtual reality scenes," by the end of 2015, so far the team has completed sites such as Beijing Olympic Park, Leshan's Giant Buddha and Hongcun Village.
Zhang Meifang, China's deputy consul-general in New York, said the technology will help people in the US closely experience China's culture, landscapes and cuisines by combining "Western techniques with Chinese culture." Ultimately, the Chinese tourism industry hopes that by innovating the virtual reality technology typically used in video games, they may appeal to a younger generation of potential tourists.
Contact Info: 
Daily China US New York 1500 Broadway, Suite 2800 New York, NY 10036 212-537-8888
Type of Exchange: 
China Intercontinental Communications Center
China Intercontinental Communications Center
Participants (Types): 
Tourism Officials
Exchange Date: 
Monday, September 14, 2015
New York City, New York
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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