Exchange Database

Xi calls for more strategic trust between China, US

President Xi Jinping met with US President Barack Obama's national security advisor, Susan Rice, Tuesday and called for more strategic trust between the two countries. He said China stands ready to build a new model of major-country relations with the United States based on non-confrontation, non-conflict, mutual respect and win-win cooperation to ensure bilateral ties move forward on a sustainable track.
Xi also urged the two sides to speed up negotiations of a bilateral investment treaty, cement military-to-military ties, strengthen communication and coordination on climate change, fighting against terrorism, and regional and global flash points. Rice pledged the United States commitment to cooperation and a new relationship with China. She said the United States looks forward to candid dialogue with China to enhance mutual understanding, and managing differences to avoid impeding cooperation. The United States values people-to-people ties with China and looks forward to strengthening those ties, said the national security advisor.
Type of Exchange: 
United States and Chinese Governments
United States and Chinese Governments
Participants (Types): 
government officials
Exchange Date: 
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Level of Government: 
Beijing, China
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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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