Exchange Database

City of Fresno to Host the US/China Business & Culture Association Trade Mission

The US-China Business & Culture Association brought 20 business leaders from the Shanghai region to the City of Fresno to meet with City officials to learn about the many food and water related business and investment opportunities that the Fresno region has to offer. The delegation and special guests, along with domestic and international media, began their visit with a tour of the Water, Energy & Technology Center, followed by a presentation from City officials at City Hall. The visit concluded with a mini expo of 18 food and beverage companies who are past participants in the Fresno Food Expo and have a keen interest in expanding their market through exporting.
The 20 member delegation was made up of business leaders and investors. They were looking to form Valley partnerships to solidify the country's food supply. Tie Zhang, President of the US-China Business & Culture Association, said that by developing a strategic partnership with the City of Fresno, his organization will be able to provide their 3,000-plus members with additional premium access and benefits. “Most of our members already know in general terms that Fresno offers many unique opportunities and advantages to the Chinese investor, but in order to actually execute a wise investment strategy, they need a team of honest advisors that they can rely upon,” Zhang said.
Type of Exchange: 
US-China Business & Culture Association
Fresno City Government
US-China Business & Culture Association
Fresno City Government
Participants (Types): 
officials, businessmen
Number of Participants: 
Exchange Date: 
Friday, June 7, 2013
Level of Government: 
Fresno, California
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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