Exchange Database

US police uses Weibo to reach Chinese

The police department of Alhambra, a city in Southern California, is using Weibo, a Chinese micro blogging site similar to Twitter, as an outreach tool for its Chinese residents. It has already garnered more than 27,000 followers. The Alhambra Police Department (APD) is the first law enforcement agency in US to launch its own Weibo account. More than half of Alhambra's 85,000 residents are Asian, and about three quarters of them are Chinese, according to recent census date. There are many ways to reach members of the APD, since they are particularly fond of their social media programs such as Weibo and Facebook, according to Mark Yokoyama, chief of police.
"Creating unique, innovative ways to communicate with the public is part of our mission and values," Yokoyama said. "Great communication techniques provide an enhanced level of service to all residents, while, at the same time, helping to build relationships and true community policing." "Weibo is a very important and useful tool for us to communicate with our Chinese residents. It eliminates the gap between American police officers and residents who don't speak English," Gabriel Ponce, a spokesman for the APD, told China Daily, adding that it also helps people in China who want to stay connected to their families living in Alhambra by allowing them to know more about their lives here. Followers can also ask the APD questions by sending messages on Weibo. Walter Yu, who is the APD's Weibo page-manager and speaks both English and Chinese, said that new immigrants in Alhambra have lots of questions regarding their new environment and new policies they don't understand because of the language barrier.
Type of Exchange: 
Alhambra Police Department (APD)
Alhambra Police Department
Participants (Types): 
Chinese residents, policemen
Number of Participants: 
27, 000
Exchange Date: 
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Level of Government: 
Alhambra, California
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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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