Exchange Database

Turkey feast honors China-US relations

US students from the International School of Beijing performed at a reception marking the 35th anniversary of Sino-US diplomatic relations, attended by Vice-President Li Yuanchao and former US president Jimmy Carter, in Beijing on Thursday. Kung pao turkey breast, a mixture of Chinese cooking and traditional US food, was the perfect dish to serve at a banquet to commemorate China-US diplomatic ties. Vice-President Li Yuanchao said those years had seen historic developments, and the relationship will continue to move forward as the two sides uphold the principles of no confrontation, no conflicts, win-win and mutual respect. Jimmy Carter, the former US president who saw the establishment of diplomatic ties during his term, said he is glad to see the significant development of bilateral ties and is willing to continue contributing to it.
According to statistics from Chinese Customs, bilateral trade between China and the US reached $256.4 billion in the first half of the year, an increase of 5 percent compared with the same period last year. US investment in China, however, fell 9.3 percent in the first five months year-on-year. Li Haidong, a researcher in US studies at China Foreign Affairs University, said the China-US relationship has reached another turning point as more efforts are needed from both sides to clarify the foundations of bilateral cooperation.
Type of Exchange: 
International School of Beijing
United States and Chinese Governments
Participants (Types): 
government representatives, guests
Exchange Date: 
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Level of Government: 
Beijing, China
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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