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Tourism official touts natural allure of China's Anhui province

To boost US tourism to one of China's most scenic areas, Anhui province, a Chinese tourist official was in Los Angeles on Monday to promote the area. Anhui, with a population of over 59 million, is an inland province in southeast China and stretches over the Yangtze and Huai rivers. It is best known for Mount Huangshan, a World Heritage site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and one of China's major tourist destinations. Chen Lei, deputy director general of the Anhui Visitors Bureau, revealed that China Eastern Airlines is going to provide a direct flight from Los Angeles to the provincial capital of Hefei without indicating an exact date when the service will start.
About 6.3 percent of foreign visitors to Anhui are from the US. Since 2013, American tourists have been the second largest group of foreign visitors to the region. Once in China, Chen recommended three routes to Anhui, including a flight from Beijing to Huangshan, a high-speed train from Shanghai to Hangzhou and then a bus to Huangshan, and a ferry from Chongqing to Huangshan.
Type of Exchange: 
China Eastern Airlines
Anhui Visitors Bureau
Participants (Types): 
Chen Lei-deputy director general of the Anhui Visitors Bureau, Michael Wang-senior sales manager of China Eastern Airlines
Exchange Date: 
Monday, July 14, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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