Exchange Database

Teachers and Students from Saint Andrew's School Visited China 感受中国文化, 美国圣安德鲁中学师生来华交流参访

Thomas, the principal of Saint Andrew's School, visited China along with some teachers and students. They met Chinese parents in cities like Shanghai, Xi'an, and Beijing. The purpose of their visit was to communicate with Chinese parents and to offer practice opportunities for their American students who were learning Chinese.
Contact Info: 
Shanghai News Net (上海新闻网)
Type of Exchange: 
Participants (Types): 
Number of Participants: 
Exchange Date: 
Friday, March 1, 2013
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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