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IBM signs up to help fight China's war on smog

IBM Corp has signed an agreement with the city of Beijing to use advanced weather forecasting and cloud computing technologies to help tackle the Chinese capital's persistent smog. After a series of pollution scares and scandals, China's central government has promised to reverse some of the damage done to the nation's sky, rivers and soil by more than three decades of growth.Under the agreement with IBM, Beijing's city government will be one of the partners in the company's China-focused 10-year "Green Horizon" initiative, which aims to draw on IBM's forecasting expertise and the collection of real-time emissions data to predict smog build-ups.
With China committed to reducing the share of coal in its energy mix, IBM's cloud-based analytic systems could also be tailored to make better use of renewable energy. IBM representatives said the Green Horizon initiative could generate new commercial opportunities in pollution control and renewable energy in China. IBM's sales in China have slumped since last year, hurt by a backlash against U.S.-based multinationals in the wake of revelations that the United States has been spying on foreign subjects and governments.
Type of Exchange: 
IBM Corp
Beijing city government
State Grid Corp
Participants (Types): 
Chinese government officials, IBM researchers
Exchange Date: 
Friday, July 18, 2014
Level of Government: 
Beijing, China
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