Exchange Database

Climate change new engine of China, US ties

Clean energy, the environment and climate change are emerging as the new engines of China-US ties. China and the US are faced with similar challenges and share common interests in terms of climate change and clean energy, said Xie Zhenhua, deputy director of China's National Development and Reform Commission, at the 2014 China-US EcoPartnership Workshop on Tuesday. Jonathan Elkind, assistant secretary of US Department of Energy International Affairs office, said that there can be no solution to climate change and environmental protection without China and US participation.
There are currently 24 active EcoPartnerships between the two sides, and another six pairs will be added this weekend, including China Petrochemical Corporation, General Electric and Environmental Defense Fund. The program facilitates the exchange of information and best practices to foster innovation and develop solutions to challenges in environmental and energy areas.
Type of Exchange: 
China's National Development and Reform Commission
US Department of Energy International Affairs office
Participants (Types): 
Xie Zhenhua-deputy director of China's National Development and Reform Commission, Jonathan Elkind-assistant secretary of US Department of Energy International Affairs office
Exchange Date: 
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Level of Government: 
Beijing, China
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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