Exchange Database

Chinese delegation visits San Francisco to promote Canton Fair

A senior-level trade delegation from the China Foreign Trade Center visited the San Francisco area to encourage American companies to participate in the 116th China Import and Export Fair, one of the world's top trade fairs. Held biannually in Guangzhou, China, the Import and Export Fair, also known as the Canton Fair, is one of the best platforms for overseas businessmen to purchase Chinese products, said Wang Runsheng, president of China Foreign Trade Center (CFTC). "It also helps foreign exhibitors gain access to a market of about 1.4 billion Chinese population and more than 200,000 overseas buyers," he added. The 116th Canton Fair will be held in the China Import and Export Fair complex in Guangzhou from October 15 through November 4.
Xia Xiang, economic and commercial counselor for China in San Francisco, said that the trade between US and China was probably the most important bilateral relationship in the world. Last year, trade volume between two countries expanded to $562.3 billion. And so far, seven provinces in China, including Shanghai, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Neimeng, Hebei and Shandong, have built state relationships with California since President Xi Jinping's visit to southern California last year. Last year, the 115th Canton Fair attracted 188,119 buyers from 214 countries around the world. More than 10,000 buyers were from the US, ranking second among Canton Fair's overseas' buyers. About 2,847 US buyers have attended the fair more than 25 times. The Canton Fair, established in 1957, is co-hosted by China's Ministry of Commerce and the Government of Guangdong Province, and is organized by the China Foreign Trade Center.
Type of Exchange: 
China Foreign Trade Center
San Francisco Center for Economic Development
Participants (Types): 
trade experts, businessmen
Exchange Date: 
Friday, August 15, 2014
San Francisco, California
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