Exchange Database

In China, Enlivening Higher Education

Three major Minnesota universities are currently participating in Governor Dayton’s Trade Mission to China. The University of Minnesota, St. Cloud State University, and Metropolitan State University have each seen substantial growth in their relationships with Chinese universities, students, and faculty in recent years, and the current trade mission offers the three universities an occasion to strengthen current ties to China, and to also create new partnerships.
The trade mission to China offers these three great Minnesota universities an opportunity to further develop their existing partnerships with Chinese students, faculty, and universities. The mission will also allow the three institutions for higher education an important opportunity to deepen their understanding Chinese education, business, and culture.
Type of Exchange: 
University of Minnesota
St. Cloud State University
and Metropolitan State University
Chinese institutions
Participants (Types): 
University students and faculty
Exchange Date: 
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Level of Government: 
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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