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California group guides Chinese companies into US mainstream

Chinese enterprises in the US often find that their success depends as much on stepping into the American cultural mainstream as it does on business performance. That understanding informs the work of the Northern California Chinese Enterprise Association, which hosts its annual conference this week.The CEA's 80-plus member companies include major industrial players such as China Unicom Ltd, China Telecom Corp, China Mobile Ltd, Air China Ltd and Huawei Technologies Co. Many have become a resource not only for other members of the influential association but also US companies seeking to do business in China.
"We see more and more Chinese enterprises coming to the US, both public and private, carrying larger investment capital than ever when they enter the US market today," said Chen, who is also a regional executive with China Unicom Americas. Chen said Friday's CEA conference in San Jose will attract over 200 businesses and trade groups in Silicon Valley, and is supported by mainstream organizations such as the Bay Area Council and the Asia Society. "What our association aims to do is to help both sides understand each other better through communication, information exchange or simply becoming friends," Chen said.
Type of Exchange: 
Chinese Enterprise Association
Chinese Enterprise Association
Participants (Types): 
business people
Number of Participants: 
200 businesses and trade groups
Exchange Date: 
Friday, October 26, 2012
Level of Government: 
San Jose, California
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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