Exchange Database

California Chinese open pockets for quake relief

Danies Wang, chairman of California-based bio-tech company E-World USA Holdings, has donated $50,000 to the Yunnan earthquake relief effort through China's Consulate General in Los Angeless. Congresswoman Judy Chu, California state controller John Chiang, California congressman Ed Chau and China's Consu lGeneral in Los Angeles Liu Jian were on hand for the ceremony on Aug 15. Born in Anhui province,Wang moved to Los Angeles in 1997. Hisbio-tech company E-World USA Holdings was established in 2007. His business includes education, financial services, bio-technology, nutrition supplies and e-commerce.
Inspired by Wang, 20 Chinese companies and individuals from China Enterprise Council (CEC) made a group donation of $10,858. In just 24 hours, checks have been collected from representatives of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China International Travel Service, ZPMC North America, China Certification and Inspection Group (USA),Unicorn Group USA, China Mobile(USA), East West Bank, China Unicom (USA),Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry, BYD Motor, Aviation Industry Corporation of China and other Chinese companies in the US. Another California-based Chinese company EDI Media donated $10,000 to Yunnan earthquake-hit areas through China's Consulate General in Los Angeles. The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude quake that rocked southwest China's Yunnan province on Aug 3 has risen to 617. More than one million people in Ludiancounty and neighboring counties have been affected. Nearly 230,000 have been relocated to safer areas. In China, a total of $100 millionhas been donated for Yunnan victims. Relief goods valued at more than$33 millionhave reached the quake zone.
Type of Exchange: 
E-World USA Holdings
China Enterprise Council (CEC)
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
China International Travel Service
ZPMC North America
China Certification and Inspection Group (USA)
Unicorn Group USA
China Mobile(USA)
East West Bank
China Unicom (USA),Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry
BYD Motor
Aviation Industry Corporation of China
E-World USA Holdings
Participants (Types): 
residents, businessmen, congress representatives
Exchange Date: 
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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