Exchange Database

All-star US college hoopsters tour China

Summer is usually the time when most college students recharge their batteries before the academic grind starts up again, but for student-athletes the offseason can often be just as busy as the regular school year. For 13 basketball all-stars from the NCAA's Pacific-12 Conference, a weeklong playing trip to China is not exactly a run-of-the-mill vacation. Larry Krystkowiak, who has been head coach of Utah University men's basketball team since 2011, was tapped to lead this year's Pac-12 All-Star Team on an eight-day tour in China starting Monday, a visit that will include coaching clinics, a series of competitive exhibition matches and a number of off-the-court activities hosted by the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), China's national organization for university sport under the Ministry of Education.
During the trip — an extension of the Pac-12 Conference Globalization Initiative, an effort started in 2011 to promote goodwill with China through student-athlete exchanges — the team is scheduled to spend time in both Beijing and Shanghai, with exhibition matches against the Jiangsu Dragons and the Shanghai Sharks of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), as well as a game against the Chinese University All-Star Team. The visit marks the first time a Pac-12 all-star team has traveled to Asia since 1996, when the conference sent two teams to Japan. In addition, the team will be accompanied by an academic delegation that will explore potential areas of collaboration between Pac-12 schools and Chinese universities.
Type of Exchange: 
Federation of University Sports of China
Ministry of Education
Participants (Types): 
basketball players
Number of Participants: 
Exchange Date: 
Monday, August 11, 2014 to Monday, August 18, 2014
Level of Government: 
Beijing and Shanghai, China
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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