Exchange Database

Women trade empower ideas

Women leaders in politics, business, and design from the United States and China voiced their different opinions on how to empower women and move ahead in the workplace at a recent symposium held at the United Nations in New York. Most Chinese women said they didn't see a big difference in how men and women are treated in the workplace, while American women believe women are treated differently from men, revealing a cultural difference of opinion at the Love Together - Empowering Women Through Design 2014 symposium on July 18. Speakers discussed how women in the workplace face a glass ceiling that keeps them and other minorities from advancing to higher levels of management in comparison to men.
The symposium was followed by a charity dinner, which hoped to raise $1 million through an auction to benefit the Water Cellar for Mothers project. It supports poverty-stricken women and their families in rural areas with water shortages in China and Kenya. More than 30 works from artists in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Caribbean, and Africa were available for bidding at the auction. The panel marked the 19th anniversary since former US scretary of state Hillary Clinton first spoke to the UN Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. Another one will be held in November in Paris next year.
Type of Exchange: 
Lu Ning Architecture
ANL Express
Chinese government
China Women's Development Foundation
United Nations
Participants (Types): 
Zhang Meifang-deputy consul general of the PRC, Lu Ning- design principal of Lu Ning Architecture, Cindy Ye- President of ANL Express, Anna Rabinowicz- designer at RABLABS, Qin Guoying- vice-chairman and secretary general of China Women's Development Foundation
Exchange Date: 
Friday, July 18, 2014
Level of Government: 
int'l organization
New York
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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