Exchange Database

2013-2014 U.S.-China Administrator Shadowing Project

The U.S.-China Administrator Shadowing Project (ASP) is an exchange program for Chinese and American school administrators, superintendents, and principals. In the fall, Chinese school leaders visit American partner schools and American school leaders repay the visit in the spring. This two-way “shadowing” program both brings Chinese educators to local school communities in the U.S. and also sends American educational leaders to China, yielding maximum, mutually transformational effect. During the 2013-2014 school year, three groups of administrators traveled to China from Oregon and Pennsylvania. The program lasts two weeks. In the first week, participants learn about the culture and education system in their host country. During the second week, administrators shadow their foreign counterpart in their partner school and live with host families in their partner district.
The hands-on experience gives participants a deep understanding of education in the other country and develops friendship and trust between partners, which facilitates cooperation between schools to achieve mutual goals. Participants return home with the ability to identify the strengths of their respective practices, draw lessons to benefit their schools and communities, plan on-going exchange programs for their students and teachers, and create positive change in their educational systems.
Type of Exchange: 
The China Exchange Initiative
Freeman Foundation
Participants (Types): 
School administrators, superintendents, and principals
Number of Participants: 
Hebei, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Shaanxi Province
*If you know more about this exchange, please contact us.

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Commission Report

Polls show Americans and Chinese are becoming less trustful of each other’s country. The Commission assesses the problem and offers recommendations to foster greater U.S.-China collaboration and understanding.

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